Stem Cell Therapy: Is This the Miracle Cure for Erectile Dysfunction?

The popularity of stem cell therapy remains on the rise. Both scientists and the general public are still interested to know how this regenerative medicine can cure various ailments because of its ability to reproduce healthy cells to take out the diseased cells.

Several studies claimed that this type of therapy could help cure different types of neurological illnesses like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and spinal cord injury. It can also treat a plethora of other diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sickle cell anemia, and arthritis, among others.

However, a new study claimed that stem cell therapy could also cure erectile dysfunction. That is why treatment facilities like Leviathan Wellness offer this type of treatment. Before you opt to get this done, these are some of the things that you need to know about the link between stem cell therapy and erectile dysfunction.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the condition where a person has repeated difficulty in achieving and sustaining an erection to have sexual intercourse. It’s a rampant health problem that may have a severe effect on the relationship of a couple. According to a report from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases, approximately 12% of men below the age of 60 and 22% of the male population 60 years old and above are suffering from this disease.

To help the growing number of patients, a group of researchers from the Odense University Hospital in Denmark looked into the possibility of using stem cell therapy to adverse the effect of erectile dysfunction. The result of their research showed hopeful results in curing those with this health condition.

How Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

During the first phase of the study, lead researcher Dr. Martha Haahr and her colleagues tried to initiate stem cell therapy on 21 patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. These patients acquired the condition as an effect of their radical prostatectomy for their prostate cancer. By the end of their 6- and 12-month assessments, all patients saw an improvement in their erectile function thanks to the stem cell therapies that they all availed.

According to the researchers, they extracted fat cells from the abdomen of each man using a liposuction procedure. Then the stem cells were segregated from the fat cells then transferred into the penis’ corpus cavernous of each patient through injection. After the two assessment periods, most of the men claimed that they have improved erections. Eight of the respondents claimed that they were able to practice spontaneous sexual activities with their partner. The results led researchers to believe that stem cell therapies can help in treating erectile dysfunction.

Can Stem Cell Therapy Provide Long Term Solution for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction?

While the findings of the study are still preliminary, it would require more researches that involve a larger sample to help prove the validity of the initial results. But men can now choose to have their stem cell treatments in health and wellness facilities like Leviathan Wellness in New York if they want to find out for themselves if it can help them eradicate this condition in their life.

Current erectile dysfunction treatments use aggressive remedies such as penile implants, injections, and doses of PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra. But these can cause adverse side effects. If the current research is right about their claims, then stem cell treatments could be a better way to cure this disease.