What is a baitcasting reel?

A baitcasting reel is a fishing reel better suited for large fish. They are also known as casting reels or baitcasters. These are reel and rod combos where the reel is mounted over the rod, and the spool is winded down in the same direction as the rod itself. Baitcasting reels are used with heavy lures and lines. Baitcasting reels are excellent for casting long distances with bait in a specific spot, but they are prone to tangles and bird nests. 

How to use a baitcasting reel?

person fishing

The baitcasting reel is first attached to the reel seat on the rod. The opposite ending of the line with a hook is then tied. After securing the baitcasting reel to the rod, the thumb button must be pressed to spin the spool freely. When the rod is pushed forward, the weight of the bait spins the spool and releases the line. At the end of the cast, the handle should be cranked ahead. This prevents the spool from rotating further back and allows the line to be reeled in again.

When using a baitcasting reel, the angler should carefully balance the weight of the line and bait by subtly adjusting the spool drag so that the spool stops spinning when the bait hits the water at the same time. If the spool continues to rotate after landing, a large entanglement called kickback will occur. Many anglers learn to apply pressure to the spool with their thumbs to keep the spool from spinning as soon as the bait hits the water. 

Advantages of Baitcasting Reels 

Casting Accuracy 

A baitcasting reel has better line control which allows for more accurate casts. It also provides contact with the lure to detect strikes as an angler lets out of line. 

Casts larger baits effectively 

Baitcaster rods are usually shorter and more robust and excel in little creeps or rugged terrain. The heavier blanks have plenty of leverage to haul solid fish. 

Place bait in the right spot 

A baitcasting reel tends to be more accurate in casting since the angler can control spool rotation. This allows the user to drop the lure into the water at the right time by using his thumb to slow or stop the spool during the cast. This method is helpful since it allows the lure to fall softly into the water without startling nearby fish. 

Important features of a baitcasting reel

Some may say that using a baitcasting reel is a little complicated and should be practiced more for an angler to use the reel ideally. Here are three major components that make up a baitcasting reel, an excellent tool to be used in fishing. 

fishing reel with two lure


Fishing reels possess a drag system regulating the pressure on a spool. This pressure assists an angler in fighting a fish. In a baitcasting reel, the drag is usually located on the side near the handle; the drag is used to set and regulate the tension placed on the line while fighting fish. The more the drag is tightened, the harder it becomes for the bass to peel off more lines.


The braking system on a baitcasting reel is designed to regulate the spool’s rotation during the cast. It assists in the reduction of backlash; more brake means less chance of backlash. The braking system is adjustable, allowing an angler to reach his desired casting distance and tuning reel conditions and rig. 


Aside from the braking system, an angler can adjust the spool speed with the spool tension knob. The braking system is excellent for tighter limits on the amount of line stray, but the spool tension knob gives you even finer control. Anglers use this mechanism to adapt to different lures of different weights for perfect cast ratios.

What’s The Difference between Spinning Reel and Baitcasting reel?

Both spinning and baitcasting are popular reels used by anglers. The crucial difference between the two is simplified below:

As mentioned above, the baitcasting reel’s line comes off the spool directly in line with the rod, while the spinning reel line is let off from the rod.

Baitcasting reels are great for experienced anglers since they require more practice and can be tangled easily. On the other hand, spinning reels are very easy to handle and are suitable for beginners and those looking for a versatile reel system. 


Possessing the right tool for a fishing activity is necessary since it allows anglers to catch more fish and be able to relax if they have the right tool to use.