What Is the Best Way to Start Yoga? Tips for Beginners

If you’ve ever talked to someone who’s taken a yoga class, they’ve likely shone a light on how great it can be. As a fantastic exercise regime that not only focuses on your physical well-being but also your mental health, it has an incredible number of benefits for anyone.

The best part is that as a beginner, you don’t need to be inherently athletic to get the most out of a yoga class. What you need are yoga tips that are specially for beginners.

Best Yoga Tips for Beginners

If you’re a beginner yogi looking to enter the peaceful world of meditative exercise, be sure to use these user-friendly tips to help you get started.

1. Get the Gear

First and foremost, you’re going to want to make sure you are adequately equipped for your yoga class. Fortunately, there’s not a lot of equipment that you’ll need to buy. The most important thing that every yogi needs is a yoga mat that suits their height and comfort level perfectly.

As a beginner, you will want to make sure to choose a sticky mat that will help you to maintain your balance while switching poses. This mat will help to give you the most confidence.

You will also want to make sure you choose the right thickness for your mat. One that is too thick and padded won’t allow you to plant your feet firmly. On the other hand, one that is too thin defeats the purpose of shielding your body from the hardness of the yoga studio’s floor. It’s a good idea to feel different mats to determine which would be best for your needs.

Another essential part of your gear is the clothing you intend to wear while working out. The only guideline is to make sure you have yoga clothes that allow you to make a full range of motion without being impeded in any way. Some yogis prefer tight-fitting clothes while others like the free feeling of looser fitting shorts and shirts.

2. Start With an Online Tutorial

Even though yoga might sound like a good idea, it might not be the right exercise for you. Then again, you’ll never know until you try it for the first time. A great idea is to consider finding an online tutorial or online class before investing your money in the in-person experience.

However, it is essential to note that doing yoga at home by yourself is a far different feeling than being led by a professional yoga master in their studio. An at-home tutorial can give you the gist of what you’ll be expected to do during a beginner’s class, which can also help you to prepare.

3. Choose the Right Class

Did you know that there are multiple types of yoga that you can find in your local area? Unlike other exercises, different variations help to benefit different parts of your body and mind, which is vital to take into consideration.

The most popular classes you’ll be likely to find will include:

Vinyasa, Power, and Ashtanga Yoga

These three classes are typically referred to as the more challenging types of courses and generally are not recommended for beginners. With that said, some studios specialize in beginner versions of classes, so it’s essential to take note of the instruction level before signing up.

Hatha Yoga

If you’re someone who is looking for slower-paced exercises that will help you to feel every inch of your stretch, Hatha is a fantastic place to start. These classes are ideal for beginners because they typically move slowly and have a perfect level of instruction.

Hot Yoga

You’ve likely heard of hot yoga before, and it’s true. Hot yoga is undoubtedly not for the faint of heart.

With this type of yoga, you’re going to be in an incredibly hot studio, typically maintained at temperatures as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit. They are frequently touted as a great way to burn calories.

It is incredibly crucial that you first consider your physical health and capabilities before signing up for these classes, as they can be dangerous for people with medical conditions.

Iyengar Yoga

Achieving the perfect form is one of the essential yoga tips you’ll find from any source. It helps to prevent injury and give you the most out of any movement. Iyengar yoga is a fantastic option for beginners who want to learn about perfect form and bodily alignment in a highly instructive environment that requires the use of props.

Kundalini Yoga

Many people prefer yoga for its spiritual elements, which is where Kundalini comes into play. This type of yoga focuses primarily on the mental and spiritual aspects of the exercise. You’ll find the majority of these classes revolve around healing, chanting, and meditation, which can be a fantastic way to reduce stress.

4. Go With Friends

There’s nothing better than having at least one other person with you when you are trying something new, especially when it comes to exercising.

Although most yoga studios are an open and accepting environment, having a friend or friends with you can boost your confidence and encourage you to try your best.

After your workout, you can venture out together for a post-yoga snack or healthy smoothie and take in everything that you learned during your class. We highly recommend finding a friend who is also a beginner so that the two of you can learn the ways of becoming a veteran yogi together.

Final Thoughts

By having the right equipment and first trying out poses at home, you’ll have a good idea as to whether you want to dedicate more time and effort into yoga. It can be an uplifting, rejuvenating, and stress-reducing experience, especially if you can find the right classes with detail-oriented instructors to guide you through each lesson.