What Are the Ingredients in Neerium Age Defying Cream?

The phenomenon of aging is a natural process that inevitably occurs along with the changes that it brings with the passage of time. One of the major changes is the modification in the skin complexion of a person that fluctuates with the age of a person. To maintain the desirable features of skin complexion, different skincare treatments are preferred including the use of age defying creams.

Neerium age defying cream is also one of the skincare treatments that include clinically proven ingredients and natural elements that are unique to the brand itself. These ingredients play a vital role in assuring the desirable results for skin.

Composition of Neerium Age Defying Cream:

Initially, Neerium got introduced with one skincare product in the market. With the passage of time, it has expanded its products. The name itself is derived from a plant name Neerium Oleander which is the key ingredient in this Neerium age defying cream. Neerium Oleander plant is known to exhibit anti-inflammatory and cellular protective features that effectively influence the aging process in human beings.

Following are the ingredients that are used in the production of these age defying cream:

NEA8 Blend:

This ingredient is a powerful anti-oxidant that can be used in both day and night skincare products. It is one of the exclusive, patented ingredient in Neerium age defying cream. The ingredient is composed of plant extracts from Nerium Oleander and Aloe Vera plant.

Aloe Vera:

There are multiple ways in which Aloe Vera can prove to be substantially important in skincare products. It is highly advantageous for skincare as it contains antioxidants and vitamins that are vital to keep the skin fresh and firm. Neerium age defying cream includes aloe vera as a key component in its composition. It is helpful for red and blotchy skin as the features tend to appear as we age.


One of the important ingredient is also the peptides that are extremely helpful in working on fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. In peptides, there is a blend of collagen and elastin that enhances the natural firmness of the skin. The blend actually helps in restoring the firmness of the skin that tends to get loose as we age.


It is also one of the major ingredients that is quite helpful for skincare in the following ways:

  • As we age, discoloration of our skin takes place. This ingredient is efficient in the treatment to decrease skin discoloration with better results.
  • The ingredient is quite effectively helpful in enhancing skin repair process and strengthening skin’s barrier response.
  • It is also helpful in wrinkles reduction of the skin. It increases the production of collagen that is quite effective in reducing wrinkles.
  • It enhances skin’s immunity against sun exposures and helps in preventing skin inflammation.


It is also one of the major ingredients that is of the following applications in the Neerium age defying cream:

  • Vitamin E can work effectively with the collaboration of another ingredient in this age defying cream which is vitamin C. The collagen that vitamin C helps to produce, vitamin e protects it from getting destroyed.
  • This ingredient is quite helpful in protecting the cell membrane from oxidative harms.
  • Vitamin E works in multiple ways to enhance skin complexion. It blocks free radicals from the body as they have a vital role in the whole process of aging.

Co Enzyme Q10:

Co Enzyme Q10 is an amazing ingredient that is used in the production of Neerium age defying cream. This ingredient has the following applications in the field of skincare:

  • It is quite efficient in protecting the skin from photo-aging. Photo-aging actually means the damage of the skin that occurs due to excessive exposure to sunlight. Most of the features that skin exhibits as we age, are caused and further enhanced by prolonged sun exposure to our skin. The presence of harmful UV rays can also lead to skin cancer even. Therefore, this ingredient is highly supportive in rejuvenating the skin cells and activating their activities.
  •  The ingredient enhances active skin cells which in turn can easily remove toxic substances. These active skin cells are also effective in promoting the better use of nutrients that it receives.
  • The ingredient is also effective in producing the energy for skin cells. The energy that it enhances can be used to repair damages and maintain the healthy state of skin cells.
  • Like Vitamin C, this ingredient of Co Enzyme Q10 also enhances the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein which collapses gradually with the increase in age and hence resulting in loose and leathery skin and wrinkles appearance. The level of collagen is maintained through the increased production due to this ingredient present as one of the major components in Neerium age defying cream.
  • It also acts as anti-oxidant agent that prevents the oxidative damages of skin.

Green Tea Leaf Extraction:

It is also used in the production of Neerium age defying cream that is helpful in the following ways:

  • Green Tea Leaf is comprised of anti-oxidant elements which is used to prevent inflammation.
  • It is quite helpful in reducing cell damage of the skin caused by excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • It promotes the production of collagen in the skin which has its critical importance in development, protection of the skin and the maintenance of skin features as discussed above already.

Apart from the above discussed ingredients, the age defying product may also include some plant oil, various thickeners, fragrance and preservatives.

Use of Different Plant Oils:

Castor oil, Olus oil, Rice bran oil, and Aloe leaf oil are also used in the production of Neerium age defying cream. The main advantage that all of these oils provides is the enhancement of hydration and moisturizing effects of the skin.

They are the lipid-rich ingredients that helps in hydrating the skin cells. They reduce the formation of wrinkles in the skin by providing suppler and smooth appearance of the skin. They can easily provide optimal skin hydration to the skin.

  • Skin Damages That Can Be Reduced by The Ingredients of Neerium Age Defying Cream:

The damage and various changes that human skin experience with the passage of time can be of various kinds due to aging process. These damages and expected changes may include the following conditions:

  • Loss of natural firmness of the skin
  • Decreased elasticity in skin cells
  • Formation of wrinkles in the skin
  • Different Skin conditions like discoloration or hyper pigmentation.
  • Photo-aging
  • Skin Inflammation
  • Free Radical Exposure


It is quite evident from the composition of Neerium age defying cream that all the ingredients used in its production are purely natural and botanical. These ingredients exhibit exceptional impacts on the wellbeing of skin complexion and the changes that it undergoes with aging process. These ingredients are multifunctional in their nature that reveals their influence on skin with desirable and better results. Therefore, the composition itself makes the product, Neerium age defying cream advantageous in multiple and diverse ways.