Top Tips for Communicating With Teenagers

A teenager’s life comes with terrible attitudes and outbursts of emotions. In their growing stage, kids discover and do a lot of impulsive things. They also try to push the boundaries and sometimes end up in trouble. 

At a particular point, teens do not listen to their parents and reject what they say in retaliation because they don’t like being told what to do and think they’re old enough. They tend not to pay attention and ignore their parents when they try to speak to them. 

When they reach their teenage, puberty takes over; they start thinking that they should be independent and have the right to make their own decisions. This attitude makes parenting a lot harder as they are still growing and developing mentally. They act recklessly without thinking of the consequences.

They cannot control their emotions, due to which teens are likely to take risks and make impulsive decisions. Therefore, it becomes more challenging for the parents to talk to their teenage kids when all this happens.  

The development happens gradually over time as they get mature and begin to grasp things. That is why it becomes more critical than ever to have a trusted and healthy parent-child relationship to guide them. If you are struggling with this issue, don’t worry because everyone is like this in their teenage years. The best thing you can do is relax and adopt some professional parenting tips. 

Best Tips for Communicating With Teenagers

  • Involve them in Chores

You can adopt different ways to interact with your teenage kid and have an actual conversation. Try encouraging them to help you make food while you chat, or give them a list of activities or chores. Family dinners and get-togethers are also a great way to ensure that everyone sits together daily for a chat.

  • Listen to Them

If you are concerned about what is going on in your teenage kid’s life, the best thing you can do is sit them down and listen to what they have to say. Listening is more effective than asking direct questions. Teenagers are more likely to open up about what is going on in their life if they don’t feel forced to share their emotions. 

Even an offhand comment about something that took place earlier can be their way of expressing their feelings. You will only find out more of what’s going on in their life if you take the time to hear them out genuinely.

  • Validate their Feelings

As a parent, people often try to resolve their kids’ problems by not considering how they feel or ignoring their feelings about a particular thing. Doing this can have a lot of consequences emotionally and mentally. 

You’ve got to be empathetic towards your child, listen to their feelings on different matters, and do not negate them at all. Implementing this will make them trust you and open up to you more often and consult you about their problems. 

  • Take them Seriously

Teens want someone to take them seriously, especially their parents. You can try different ways to show that you trust your child and make them believe that you do. Ask them for favors; it will prove that you can rely on them. 

When you ask them to do something, it makes them think that they can handle it. Letting your kid know that you believe in them will boost their confidence even more and make them more likely to rise to the occasion and be more willing to participate.

  • Don’t Be a Dictator

You can still make the rules, but be ready to explain them. While it is natural for teenagers to test the boundaries, hearing your thoughtful explanation of why they shouldn’t do certain things and why they are not permitted will make the rules seem more reasonable and understandable.

  • Appreciate and Praise Them

Parents praise their children more when they are younger, but they want the same boost in the later stages. Teenagers may think that they have grown up enough not to care and listen to their parent’s rules, but they still need their approval in reality. 

Looking for ways to encourage and support them will also help maintain a healthy relationship, especially if it is already strained.

  • Control Your Anger

When your kid is rude, it is easy to lose your cool while correcting them; but you should never respond with anger. Remember that you are the adult here, and when they get upset, they cannot control themselves or think logically. Therefore, you have to act responsibly before responding and count to ten or take a few deep breaths before talking to them. I

f you both are too upset to speak correctly, you should postpone the lesson until you both calm down.

  • Do Things Together

Talking is not the only way of communicating; if you can spend time doing things you enjoy together like cooking, hiking, going to movies, etc., that can also help positively impact your relationship. 

Teens need to be reassured that they can be close to you, and they can share positive experiences without fear of being questioned or called on for something.

  • Eat Together

Another great way of staying connected is to share regular meals. Dinner conversations allow every family member to check on and casually discuss everything about how their day went. 

Kids who feel comfortable talking to their parents are often more likely to open up about things when it comes to dealing with complex issues. It would be best if you also made a rule of having no cell phones while eating at the table. This will allow everyone to have healthy and uninterrupted family time.

  • Be Observant

It is usual for children to change as they grow; therefore, you need to pay close attention if you notice any weird changes in their mood, behavior, energy level, or appetite. 

You should also take notes if your child stops wanting things that make them happy or if they begin to isolate themselves. If you notice a change in your teen’s functioning, ask them about it without being judgmental.

  • Try Not to Ask too Many Difficult Questions

You should avoid asking too many questions that you wouldn’t want your kid to lie to you. Ideally, you would like them to feel comfortable talking to you about anything. But that will not be the case, especially if you ask the wrong questions or something a little challenging to answer. Therefore, it is best to avoid asking questions directly about complex subjects. Just keep on asking open-ended questions and keep the lines of communication open. If everything goes right, they will hopefully come to you if they want to talk after that.

  • Remember That Your Teenager is Also a Human

You should always bear in mind that your teenage kid is also a person who is slowly transforming into an adult. They are no longer kids, so it is important to respect them and prove your respect for them by giving them some time and space to communicate with you. You should make them feel comfortable so they can fully express their feelings.

  • Better Yourself First

Kids look up to you as a role model. Growing up, your children have been watching and copying whatever you did for years. They will adapt both your good and bad habits.

  • Let them Experience it

Most of us will probably agree that making our mistakes and going through them teaches us far more than taking advice from people. Teenagers are the same as adults. As a teen’s parent, it is essential to have faith in them and believe in their ability to solve their problems. 

As a parent, your role is to help them think things through to understand the complete picture. It can either be with your help or by themselves, but it is essential to give them space to do so while also making it clear that you are available for advice.

Talking To Teens – It’s All About the Approach

Hence we can say that staying close to your children in the growing stages is not easy. Many teenagers nowadays are unable to handle or express their emotions appropriately. Due to puberty, they get emotional pretty quickly and lose control. 

Parents can overcome these issues by paying attention to their teenage kids, giving them good advice, and not yelling at them. Let them trust you with their matters; that’s how all these issues can be avoided.