Breast Augmentation with Implants – What You Should Know

Breast augmentation is something that a lot of women desire to do. Some of them just don’t dare to pursue it. Women normally complain that their breasts are too small and saggy or the nipple areolas are too low. For these reasons, they may want to correct their bust. Breast augmentation is not just bigger breast it also gives more volume and better shape. The procedure can be done with a breast lift at the same time.

If you consider breast augmentation you will like to know more about the procedure, how safety is it and is there any side effects. Let’s talk more about breast augmentation surgery.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

There are multiple methods for increasing breast size but breast augmentation with implants is the most traditional way of getting bigger and fuller bust. Basically, three types of implants can be used for breast augmentation in Singapore – the saline implant, the silicone gel implant, and the new implant which is the cohesive gel implant (sometimes called the gummy bear implant). Depending on the patient’s desires and needs the saline implant can work well, the silicone implant and silicone gel can work well as well. It’s an individual thing depending on the patient, on what her anatomy is, and what the doctor thinks would work best for this person.

According TheLookBook in Singapore, silicone implants are typically known to feel a little bit more like a natural breast based on what women say. However, they do pose a little bit more risk if they do rupture. Saline implants are considered as safer if they do rupture because they are just saltwater however they do not feel as real as a silicone implant. These both have their pros and cons and they come in different forms. it’s just based on personal preference.

There are three types of breast implant surgeries – behind the breast tissue, behind the pectoralis muscle, and under the pectoralis muscle.

The main incisions for breast augmentation are transaxillary (concealed in the axilla), periareolar (the incision lies in the border of the areola and the rest of the breast), inframammary (very common incision which is on the bottom part of the breast) and through the belly button.

The surgery itself it’s usually around an hour. The recovery for breast augmentation is between one to six weeks. The results from the surgery are bigger bust, better shape, fuller volume, and of course more confidence.

What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation

  • Choosing the right surgeon. The first main thing that you should do is choosing a clinic and plastic surgeon. It’s important how many patients do they a year. You should trust that that person is going to do a good job and take good care of you.
  • The consultations take around 45 minutes to an hour. The doctor is going to check if you are healthy and if you have any contraindications to the surgery. Then you should discuss what you want, what are your goals and those goals does that much up with your natural breast dimensions (your high, your weight, etc.).
  • Expectations from the procedure. What you can expect from the procedure are bigger and rounded breasts. Recovery typically is a week and as far as work goes it kind of depends on what you do. If your job is primarily sitting at the desk working on a computer, a few days is long enough for a lot of patients on. On the other hand, if you are lifting heavy things it could be four to six weeks before you have unrestricted activity. In general, it’s a pretty easy recovery.
  • Lifestyle changes. The main lifestyle change is if you are a smoker you should stop smoking. It may have negatively impacts wound healing.
  • Breastfeeding. Women who get implants are still able to breastfeed. There is no problem with that. Typically the breast tissue itself does not get violated.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects

People undergo breast augmentation for different reasons such as uneven breast development, post-breastfeeding collapse, congenital deformation, postmastectomy reconstruction, or simply by choice for their self-esteem and confidence.

It’s an outpatient surgical procedure that takes around an hour typically. Risks, like most surgeries, are bleeding, infections, scarring. Specific to implant surgery is that you can have a rupture of that implant over time, can also develop scarring around the implant that sometimes makes the implants hard. It’s maybe at about five percent of people. Then you can have implant malposition where implants can shift up or down. If you look at all those potential complications there will be maybe five to ten percent risk of either a minor or major complication.

If both the surgeon and the patient do their jobs properly, the breast will look entirely natural and the risk from the surgery will be minimal.