Are Jumping Stilts Safe for Children?

Special stilts called jumping stilts, bounce stilts, or spring stilts enable the wearer to run, jump, and engage in a variety of acrobatic movements. Under the trademark “PowerSkip,” spring stilts made of fiberglass leaf springs were patented in the US in 2004 and marketed for use in extreme sports. Aluminum is frequently used to make spring stilts. The term “powerbocking” or “bocking,” a misspelling of the name of the stilts’ creator Alexander Böck, is also used to describe using these stilts.

The Powerbocking

The practice of “bocking” or “powerbocking” involves acrobatics, running, and jumping while using stilts that resemble elastic and are spring-loaded. They enable the user to perform backflips, jump over people and vehicles, and jump long distances. Others use it as a form of entertainment, exercise, or artistic expression. For some, it is an extreme sport. The stilts are frequently referred to by their brand name, as well as the generic terms bocks and powerbocks, power stilts, jumping stilts, bounce stilts, and spring stilts.

What are Jumping Stilts?

Jumping stilts are fun accessories that are fastened to a user’s legs and feet. They have springs and function like a pogo stick (one on each leg), enabling the user to leap to extremely high altitudes.

Jumping Stilts Injuries

The devices can put the user at serious risk of injury and accident due to their bouncing and jumping actions. Furthermore, it is important how safe really is to use Jumping Stilts. Similar to trampoline injuries, jumping stilts injuries can include:

  • Head, neck, and spine injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Abrasions
  • Sprains and strains
  • More serious injuries such as skull fractures and paralysis

Users of jumping stilts who are more “extreme” may perform extremely complex tricks like spins and flips. These put the user at even greater risk of harm. Because jumping stilts are typically used on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt, even when used on grass, they can be dangerous, jumping stilt injuries can be much more severe than trampoline injuries.

Risk Of Injuries

There are some risks involved with using stilts, even though it may sound like a lot of fun. As a result of being so high off the ground, there is a higher chance of injury. These injuries can result in broken bones, sprains, strains, and head or neck injuries, and are comparable to trampoline injuries. Since the jumping stilts were patented in the United States, doctors are worried about accidents that could cause injuries. The recent commercialization of stilt jumping has doctors even more concerned about the head injuries sustained by “powerbock.”

Despite the possibility of injuries, stilt jumpers contend that using them can be advantageous. Five times more calories can be burned by walking than by jogging. According to a Korean study, the group used the stilts for five weeks and lost seven pounds. In addition, they lost an inch from their waistlines. Despite the advantages, it is imperative to use caution to prevent injuries. The use of stilts for jumping is regarded as a high-grade risky activity, much like an extreme sport. Also, you need to know if used jumping stilts are still safe to buy or not. Regardless of whether it is used for exercise, outdoor recreation, or simply the thrill of extreme sports, the use carries risks of accidents, some of which can be extremely high.

Who Can Be Held Liable For a Jumping Stilt Injury?

A jumping stilts injury can result in legal action against several parties. In many cases, a defect with the jumping stilt product can be linked to an accident or injury. For instance, the springs or other components could have had a manufacturing flaw. In these circumstances, a product liability theory of law may be used to hold the manufacturer accountable.

Other times, more than one person may be injured in a jumping stilt accident, and the person wearing the stilts may not even be the one who is hurt. The most frequent instance of this is when a person using jumping stilts bumps into another jumper or a spectator. In such circumstances, the person using the stilts may be held accountable if they used the device carelessly or negligently.

Are There any Legal Remedies for Jumping Stilt Accidents or Injuries?

A jumping stilt accident may in many cases require legal action to be resolved. In such cases, the non-at-fault party may receive a monetary damages award to cover their losses and related expenses. The compensation may include costs for property damage, hospital stays, medical bills, and other costs.

Additional steps, such as a product recall, can also be used as remedies. Last but not least, if numerous people are being hurt by a faulty jumping stilt product, some cases may be filed as a class-action lawsuits.

Do You Need a Lawyer for Assistance with a Jumping Stilts Injury Claim?

Injury from jumping stilts can be very serious and result in chronic conditions. If you need help with a legal claim, you might need to hire a personal injury attorney nearby. Your lawyer can help you with legal advice, investigation, and direction for your case. Additionally, if you need to appear in court, your attorney can stand in for you there as well.

Some Safety Measures

The younger generation is now embracing this activity as a source of thrills despite all the injuries. Ideally, they should be under the supervision of a qualified individual who can instruct the users and inform them of the physical risks – especially if these stilts are used without the proper safety equipment. Physicians and experts advise users to use the knee, elbow, and head protection when performing stunts while wearing jumping stilts, just like with any other extreme sporting equipment. Additionally, some international sporting events and extreme sports promoters advise participants to perform stunts while wearing a full protective suit. To prevent serious injuries to users during the qualifying stages for any major events, this safety measure is highly advised.

Although it might appear simple to use, it takes a lot of practice to become proficient with it. Therefore, remember to put on your safety gear, which should include a helmet, elbow and knee pads, and gloves, before you wear it. To maintain your balance, begin by jumping slowly and holding onto a solid object. When learning how to use it, don’t be afraid to ask a friend or your sibling for assistance. Before attempting any stunt, you must be patient and practice walking and making small jumps.